Fertilizing Schedule For Lawns and Gardens Metairie
*Spread Osmocote granules throughout all gardens in April and July
*Ironite granules should be spread around all Azaleas, Camellias, Gardenias, and any plants that appear to be yellowing
*Spray horticultural oil on shrubs that have insects present
*Spray copper fungicide to control disease
***NOTE: Follow manufacturer’s directions for application rates***
* Spread Fertilome Fruit, Citrus, And Pecan Tree Food once during spring .Contains 3% zinc.
*Spread Green Light AMAZE Grass and Weed Preventer. It will not harm existing plants in your landscape. It will slow down and reduce future weed growth.
*Apply winterizer for lawn October or November. Fertilome bag will specify “winterizer”
*Apply 1st application of lawn fertilizer April 15; should be Green Light Wipe -Out Tough Weed Killer for Lawns or Fertilome Weed & Feed
*Apply 2nd application June 15; NO weed and feed–just straight Fertilome Lawn Food Plus Iron
*Apply 3rd application August 1; NO weed and feed–just straight Fertilome Lawn Food Plus Iron
*Apply Hy-Yield Bug Blaster lawn insect control granules in April and June when insects tend to be most active
*LAWN FUNGUS problems occur year around, but especially during wet periods.
Apply Fertilome F-STOP for disease free turfgrass.
***NOTE: Follow manufacturer’s directions for application rates. Most importantly, use a mechanical spreader to disperse fertilizers. NEVER SPREAD WITH YOUR BARE HANDS!!!
*Water after each application
*Blow or sweep all concrete because fertilizers tend to stain
*Maintain proper lawn height of 3 1/2 “
*Regular watering schedule throughout year helps maintain a good root growth
Follow these guidelines and you will have a great green lawn and landscape
We hope you enjoy your new landscape!!
Any questions regarding treatments
Call Mario (504)415-1438